Get funding for projects in the transport sector

Do you want to launch a project in the field of transport? The next Transport 2020+ call for tender is here. The forthcoming 4th public competition of the Transport 2020+ programme will support projects focused on applied research, experimental…

We have been your subsidy partner for 13 years!

We are a quality subsidy partner for companies whose projects are focused on research and development, innovation, industry 4.0, sustainable development and environmental friendliness. We also want to motivate companies to engage in circular…

Michala Pešková joins the 13th birthday congratulations

Exactly 13 years ago, MIDA Consulting was founded. I would never have believed that I would be able to get the company to where it is now. MIDA Consulting is a professional agency that provides services of the highest level. What makes us…

Grant opportunities in 2022

The year 2022 will be packed with new grant programmes and although some call dates are still to be set, we have prepared at least an overview of all the opportunities we expect in the coming year. With us, you won't miss a single one! National…

New circular textile call in the LIFE programme

At the end of last year, a new call under the EU LIFE programme was announced. This programme supports projects in the field of nature, environment and climate protection across the EU. The call falls under the sub-programme "Circular Economy…

Management of water resources – Water4All international call

In early 2022, the European Water4All Partnership will launch an international call for research and innovation projects on "Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management…