INNOVATION programme – innovate your products and services

Last year, we did not see the announcement of the call from the INOVATION programme, which makes us all the more appreciative of the fact that this year’s call has already come. And there is no time to lose, applications will be accepted until the end of July or until the financial allocation of the call is exhausted. Entrust us with your project and support innovation in your company.

The aim of the Innovation Programme is to support investment in new technologies that help a company to fundamentally innovate its products or processes. However, these must be innovations resulting from research and development.

Supported activities

PRODUCT INNOVATION: Improvement of the technical and utility value of products, technologies and services
PROCESS INNOVATION: Increasing the efficiency of production processes and service provision

Projects must have a direct link to research and development activities of a minimum TRL 5 level that are completed and demonstrable – own research and development, collaborative research and development results or technology transfer that must be contractually documented.


  • Small or medium-sized enterprises may apply, alternatively small company with a medium market capitalisation (an entity with up to 499 employees that is not an SME)

What can be subsidised

The grant may be obtained for costs directly linked to the introduction of the innovation, which must be incurred at the earliest on the date of application, must be demonstrably paid by the beneficiary before the grant is paid and must be supported by supporting accounting documents. Specifically, these costs are as follows:

  • Technology (production equipment)
  • Software and data
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Certification of products

Rate and amount of subsidy

  • The project subsidy is provided in the amount of at least CZK 1 million and up to a maximum of CZK 80 million.
  • The maximum rate of aid is up to 60 % and depends on the size of the company and the region in which the project is implemented.
  • In total, companies will share CZK 1,5 billion in this call.