Potential programme – get your own industrial research, development and innovation centre

Are you a company that regularly innovates its products, conducts industrial research and development, and now you would like to establish your own R&D facility or expand your existing one? Then the Potential programme, which supports the construction or expansion of industrial R&D centres, is for you. This programme is provided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic through the Agency for Enterprise and Innovation.

This programme can finance the establishment or expansion of industrial research, development and innovation centres, consisting in the acquisition of machinery, equipment or other facilities necessary for the activities of the centre. Innovation is an important factor for obtaining support; the subsidy cannot be used for simple asset renewal or production activity.

Who can apply

  • The applicant may be small and medium-sized enterprises, small mid-caps or mid-caps (companies with a medium market capitalisation, i.e. entities with no more than 499 or 3,000 employees and are not small or medium-sized enterprises) outside the territory of the Capital City of Prague. Prague

Amount of subsidy

  • The subsidy is granted in the minimum amount of 2 million CZK. The maximum amount is CZK 100 million. CZK.
  • The level of financial support depends on the size of the enterprise and the region.

What can be supported

  • constructions (new buildings and technical improvement)
  • technologies necessary for the equipment of the centre
  • intangible assets: software, patents, licences, know-how

Example of a supported project:

A company specialising in the development and production of machines and assembly lines for industrial production has been able to expand its own research and innovation capacities thanks to a subsidy from the Potential programme, enabling it to provide all stages of the development cycle of components and modules based on natural materials in the automotive industry.
The subsidy financed the expansion of the prototype and test hall and the virtual development laboratory and the company was able to purchase the necessary equipment and software.
The introduction of the new capabilities resulted in significant time savings in the development cycle and increased production volumes. The company has consequently increased its turnover and consolidated its superior market position.

Specific conditions for obtaining the subsidy

The beneficiary must maintain the investment in the centre and carry out the supported activity for at least 5 years, or at least 3 years in the case of SMEs.

Are you considering a project that meets the conditions of this programme? Would you like to help obtain funding for the establishment or development of a research and development centre? Contact us, we will be happy to help you professionally with everything.