PRODEF – innovation and technological growth in the defence industry

PRODEF is a new programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic aimed at supporting research and innovation in the defence industry. The aim is to involve Czech entities in international projects and strengthen their technological level.

Who is PRODEF for?

For companies and research organisations active in the defence industry, as well as companies wishing to engage in this field in a new way. At the same time, the involvement of early career researchers in project teams is expected.

What can you get?

Financial support for research projects in the defence industry, an area that is becoming increasingly topical given the overall global security situation. The specific eligible costs will be specified after the call is announced and we will of course inform you in due course. The average aid intensity is expected to be 60 % and will vary from sub-programme to sub-programme.

Why get involved?

With this programme, you can receive funding for the development of new technologies and products to support innovation and growth of your business. You will also have the opportunity to establish strategic partnerships and gain valuable experience from international projects, expand your contacts and strengthen your market position. Projects will be evaluated and supported based on their quality and merit, ensuring that unique projects are supported and your ideas are successfully implemented.


  1. Support for Czech applicants in EDF calls (PP1):
    • Objective: to increase the participation of Czech entities in European Defence Fund (EDF) projects
    • support: up to 50 % of eligible costs
    • results: innovation in defence technologies, interoperability, security of supply, defence product design and testing
  1. National public competitions in defence research (PP2):
    • Objective: development of Czech defence R&D
    • aid: the average intensity is set at 60 %, the specific value will depend on the size of the company and the type of activity
    • areas supported: big data and advanced data analysis, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, quantum technologies, space technologies, hypersonic weapon systems, biotechnology, new materials and manufacturing, energy and propulsion

Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this unique opportunity to join prestigious defence R&D projects and gain experience that will take your business to the next level.